Absolutely, DOC and WakeMe
Whether it's the GB, the 'Service Desk', the 'Legal Department', the 'Writing department' or the 'guys behind the curtain' someone knows how to dot their 'i's' and cross their 't's.
Haven't you ever been bothered, when you were a JW, at all the senseless repetition of Bible dramas that emphasize how 'God's leaders, the ones he selected, like David, Moses, Saul' had to be forgiven for sins that we would have been killed for, and that we 'have to trust Jehovah to know what he's doing if he decides to let them live and forgive them'... and the WT goes on to explain that how we have to be loyal to those Jehovah uses.... No accident.
As I look back, I see how WT publications steered us into using new words/ phrases, adapting new ideas, using questions. "Doesn't it make sense? or "It makes sense..." "Jehovah appreciates it when"... and on and on...
WT started changing policies, prophecies and expectations years and years in advance.
Someone.... somewhere.... knows exactly what they are doing.